Thank you for registering your girl/daughter for the Valley Catholic Girls Group.

Who: Girls Group is for 3rd - 5th grade girls. 

What: Girls Group will run October 2 - December 4. 

During this term of Girls Group we’ll do Allies in Action: Have fun doing crafts, skits and playing games and work with the other girls in Girls Group to make everyone’s friendships stronger than ever.

When: Girls Group will meet after school on Tuesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. when school is in session. No group October 30 or November 27.

Please fill out the basic enrollment information below. You will be contacted shortly via email with a complete enrollment packet.


Valley Catholic Girls Group

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Valley Catholic Girls Group Enrollment $0.00

Please consider an additional donation to the Girls Group Scholarship Fund.
